So I went through some of my unfinished works to see what I could work on next and I came across a short story I wrote a while back, called Beach Dream. I have a physical copy of it printed out and chilling in my 'writing binder', but I can't seem to find an electronic copy (even though I obviously had one at some point and time). No biggy, I happen to love typing, so this is a fun excuse for a lot of typing.
Of course, as I type I must read and as I read I find so many typos and mistakes, as well as parts that need serious revision. Sadly this was a story I was hoping to have ready for the public soon because it is a completed work. Or mostly completed.
Funny how our first drafts can seem like sheer brilliance. I remember the first draft of Revenge Unknown, I was so proud of it, I felt like the scenes were so raw and emotion invoking. They were perfection in one shot, I thought. I mean, everyone who read it told me it was good. That is until one guy read it and said to me "it's a good first draft".
I was highly offended of course. I mean, who's this one guy to not recognize a great piece of literature?? Then I put the book away for a while, got distracted with life, and eventually came back to it a few months later. And rereading it, I still felt that it was a great story and a good read, but needed a lot of work. And so I worked on it, and worked on it, and worked on it. I think I have ten drafts of the same story.
So here I am, in the same place with Beach Dream. The story is fun and exciting to read, but needs so much work, it's almost intimidating. For now I will focus on getting it typed up, so I can become reacquainted with the story, then I will begin the revising process.
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